NFT Social Club Membership

One token grants you access to the VirgosApp social platform. VirgosApp is still in development but is expected to launch in 2024.

Click the button below to view our whitepaper
for MMSC tokens. Whitepaper subject to change.

A community driven by 10,000 non-fungible tokens. (1) token acts as your membership.

We don’t discriminate, anyone can become a member.

Please check our roadmap below & read our whitepaper before purchasing.


Steps Jobs


Andry Moray


Zaid Ed

Backend Developer

Laila Ed




Harry Nikon







Community members


Estimated value

These non-fungible tokens are designed with over 100 top-quality traits. Our goal is to build a community for people amongst the millennial generation whose surface-level interest could be benefited with our collection.

This is aimed at a broad range of people though, anyone's interest in art, digital art, crypto, Web3, DAPPs or anyone who just wants the feeling of being apart of something special.

Once we launch our collection (which will be very soon), we are going to use any profits from the collection (artist royalties, etc.) to fund a social platform that was once launched in the Web2 space (2014 - 2018) and bring it into the Web3 space with NFTs (non-fungible tokens).

Anyone who owns (1) token will have access to the social network once it's launched. In the meantime, the holders of these tokens plus the communities' feedback will used into the building of the platform in every aspect.

More updates will be made available and posted to our social media profiles (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook). We plan on opening our discord and utilizing the active NFT space there in hopes of looking for talented people who are interested in using their skills to build an innovative platform.

The platform that was launched in 2014 had features such as a real-time photo slider, real-time Q+A feed, and a multitask manager (desktop-only) to organize/view all real-time content from the network.

Frequently asked questions

This is an NFT collection of 10,000 non-fungible tokens. Each token acts as your membership to our online social club. Our parent company, WhatWide Labs is building a Social Platform (VirgosApp) where only MMSC members will have access to. VirgosApp is expected to launch in 2024.

All you need to do is own one (1) Millennial Man Social Club NFT and you’re a member! You can only purchase a token with the Solana cryptocurrency. Once you own (1) Millennial Man NFT, you will be invited to participate in group events & discussions as well as becoming apart of the VirgosApp social platform made just for MMSC members.

Our goal is build a community driven by passionate people in Web2 & Web3 spaces. We plan to build a platform exclusive to MMSC members. This platform was announced in March, 2023. This won’t be your average social network, we plan on building a community with talented people who are willing to take part of an online revolution. More information available at & (coming soon).

Although services for Whatwide officially concluded in 2018, we still have full access to the network’s content. The development would be focusing on updating the source code, fixing bugs, testing, adding NFT/Web3 compatibilities. Please refer to our whitepaper for more information. Roughly, we can estimate beta testing for members in 2023 and a stable release in 2024. Applications to become part of our team are available on WhatWide Labs’ website.

Currently, yes. Our team at WhatWide Labs’ goal was to build a platform for Web2 users. But, our passions & interest in Web3 and NFTs allow us to find the best & most talented people to become apart of and build a social platform with innovative features. Follow us for updates on our Twitter & Discord.

As of April, 2023, the collection hasn’t been minted. The mint date is TBD and is expected Q2-3 2023. Millennial Man Social Club tokens will be minted on the Solana blockchain.